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von: Neal Lozano,Matthew Lozano

Discover and Embrace the Extravagant, Unconditional Love of the FatherHow is it that so many believers get stuck when it comes to entering into a relationship with God the Father? Rather than basking in the Father’s endless love, compassion, and delight, we seem to hesitate, like orphaned children unsure of a place to call home.Neal Lozano breaks through the obstacles that keep us from growing in this pivotal relationship. He shatters fear and estrangement in his joyful exploration of Jesus’s promise to show us his Father–and ours. It is a heartwarming journey, starting with the universal experience of loss and ending in the Father’s welcoming arms as dearly loved children.


2015, 224 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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