download ebook SEEING STARS

von: Christina Jones

When city-girl Amber arrives to spend the summer in a small village, the only stars she recognises are the ones she reads about in her glossy celeb magazines. So she is stunned to find herself surrounded by a new neighbours who organise their entire lives around constellation customs and the astral calendar. More scarily, Amber finds that the villagers actually believe that the stars and moon can work magic. Amber remains loudly sceptical, but as she’s grown very fond of her new friends – especially the gorgeously enigmatic Lewis – and assuming that it’s all a bit of harmless fun, she hurls herself into the star-ceremonies and moon-myths on the grounds that if you can’t beat ‚em, join ‚em and any excuse for a party. But when, as result of one of Amber’s half-hearted celestial incantations, something totally inexplicable happens, she begins to wonder if maybe, just maybe, there’s more to magic than meets the eye…


2011, 336 Seiten, Englisch

— EURO 0.00€ —

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