And the implication of this is that most people around you are typically at risk of some kind of cardiac condition like heart attack or heart failure to say the least!
Well, the bad news is that an average person is typically unaware of this fact since they don’t even know their cholesterol level neither does it occur to them to take it as a priority to know whether their cholesterol level is high or not.
Now, you need to understand that there are five essentially different methods of getting the actual reading of your cholesterol level; these include Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), Total Cholesterol Levels (TCL), TCL/HDL ratio, and LDL/HDL ratio.
These readings are typically recorded using milligrams per deciliter as a unit of measurement. This is done in a tabular form to indicate the ideal and non-ideal measurements. This is because you don’t want to get confused when analyzing these measurements.
Nevertheless, it is advisable to pay a visit to your doctor who will put you through how to monitor your cholesterol levels and maintain the ideal levels.
Okay! Let’s look at the actual numbers involved here, your ideal cholesterol level should in reality not be above 200mg/dL, your borderline or marginal line level should be between 200 to 240 mg/dL while the total risk level should be above 240 mg/dL.
Note that these figures only represent the total or should I say the overall cholesterol levels in your system. However, if you want the details of each cholesterol levels, then you ought to pay a visit to your physician who is in the best position to give you a thorough … mehr explanation.
Anyway, get this book NOW! …for in this book, you are going to be exposed to all the knotty details you need to understand for you to be able to manage the whole issues that arises when your cholesterol is up and the many tips on how to put it in check for a healthy long life without complications or any disaster! … weniger
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2016, Englisch
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