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2012, 229 Seiten, Deutsch
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Vanessa is just an ordinary girl doing an ordinary job, when in walks Ian Hudson into her life, and by no means is he ordinary.
„I didn’t know what love was and I didn’t care. It never had a meaning for me until it was taken away. Now I feel the hurt and if that’s love I don’t want it—ever. I’m not going to allow the man I fell in love with, Ian Hudson, a second chance to make me feel that empty painful feeling again.
„I never knew how good it is to discover that I’m in love with Vanessa and it’s the real thing. But will she understand that this has never happened before, and it’s something new for me, and I don’t want to live without her in my life. Will Vanessa forgive my reckless heartless behavior and take me back?“
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Aus dem Inhalt:
Galileo Press heisst jetzt Rheinwerk Verlag.
Die Fachpresse zur Vorauflage:
iX – Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik: »Eine dicke Handlungsanleitung für Profis!«
Website Boosting: »Ob Einsteiger oder erfahrener Anwender, jeder wird von diesem Buch profitieren. «
SCREENGUIDE: »Empfehlung der Redaktion!«
Antiquities modified through restoration have shaped the study of ancient sculpture from the very beginning: Statues that were added to, completed, or otherwise modified between 1500 and 1900 represent a considerable portion of the surviving material basis. In a discussion of selected examples this volume seeks to shed light on the circumstances surrounding such restorative modification.
S. Kansteiner, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.