2015, 408 Seiten, Englisch
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John Rabbing and his cousin Sagittarius are the favoured grandsons of their grandfather, Smatch, a cheerful old man who plays the bones and holds his eccentric, strong-willed family together like aging glue. Just before Smatch dies, he commits the boys to a deathbed promise: they will always keep music in their lives.
And if a few of Smatch’s old friends come by, needing a place to play, the young men will open up their apartment for the cause.
That promise kicks open the door to a parade of strange and quirky musicians whose music haunts and transforms, bringing magic and opening the door to something even more unexpected: hope for a family that is falling apart.
„Of Men and Bones“ is a short story.
A guide to healing foods and home remedies reported to and verified by Joe and Terry Graedon, including their carefully researched responses on how and why such treatments work. The core of this title is organized as Q&As between the general public and the Graedons. It contains as much information as a voluminous encyclopedia of home remedies, yet it’s quick, easy, inviting, and fun to read, with the same friendly and authoritative personality conveyed in their popular call-in radio show. The Graedons also offer a dozen new recipes for food so good for you, it serves as preventive medicine.
Organized alphabetically by ailment and then, within each of those, by food or remedy. Offers the basics of three standard diets for health, weight control, and fitness, along with a dozen new recipes for preparing food to match the diets. Includes a helpful index and cross-referencing system, making the book both a good shelf reference and an entertaining browse.
This book builds on the reputation of The People’s Pharmacy and adds the extra value that comes from a partnership with National Geographic.
Krimi von A. F. Morland
Der Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 119 Taschenbuchseiten.
Als dem Millionär Stephen Maxwell zwei wertvolle Holbein-Gemälde gestohlen werden, heuert er Bount Reiniger, den besten Privatdetektiv New Yorks, an, die Bilder wiederzubeschaffen. Dieser findet heraus, dass der Millionär nicht der Einzige war, dem Gemälde gestohlen werden sollten. Hat der Hostessen-Vermittler Trevor Geray etwas damit zu tun? Denn eines seiner Mädchen war möglicherweise darin verwickelt, bevor sie ermordet wurde. Da tritt Reinigers hübsche Assistentin June March auf den Plan und bewirbt sich bei dem dubiosen Hostessenboss als Playgirl. Eine fatale Entscheidung, denn June wird ausgerechnet von dem Ex-Söldner Patrick Groves gebucht, der als Sadist bekannt ist …
This new edition is devoted to a broad array of topics involving the circadian variation in cardiovascular diseases, with focuses on hypertension, stroke, and coronary disease. The volume covers clinical and device research related to home and ambulatory BP monitoring, as there have been significant advances in technology since the publication of the previous edition. In addition, there is an increased focus on the applicability of home and ambulatory BP monitoring in drug development in all therapeutic arenas. The text features contributions from chapter authors from around the world and who have great expertise in cardiovascular medicine, therapeutics, clinical trials, and evidence-based medicine.
Blood Pressure Monitoring in Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics, Third Edition is essential reading for a large audience, including those practicing cardiology and nephrology with a special focus in hypertension, geriatrics and internal medicine, clinical trialists, regulators in the US, Europe, and Japan, and physicians in training in cardiology, hypertension, pharmacology, nephrology and neurology.